Usually the cells are attacked which are hidden in the root of the scalp of the head. If chemotherapy is utilized in excess amount then it also becomes the cause of major hair loss of the scalp rather then treating the same where the hair lining of the eyelashes; eyebrows; pubic hair lining and armpit (underarm) hair etc. fall at a rapid pace.
Chemotherapy Hair loss
The dose of the medicine should be in such a form that the drugs might merely not thin the delicate hair follicles of the scalp and baldness can be prevented. If excessive hair fall tendency occurs then with the help of non-treatment of the chemotherapy drugs the hair could re-grow over the surface of the scalp of the head and a complete growth is visible by a naked eye within six to one year time period.
When one notice an accumulation of loose hair over the pillow or at the hair brush or even at the shower draining section then with the help of chemotherapy treatment the excessive hair fall of the scalp can be prevented easily without much difficulties. The dermatologists experience a growth of generally of about a quarter inch of growth of a hair every month.
The hair loses when once occurred with catastrophic effects are now treated upon with a more curly hair outlook and shining appearance to make it look soft and fluffy in nature. Another method introduced by the dermatologists for the hair fall is to utilize Cryo-therapy. It is also known upon as Scalp Hypothermia. During chemotherapy certain amount of packs of ice and other similar devices are utilized to be placed directly over the head to cool down the head out of slowing down the blood supply so that the chemotherapy could work efficiently but in most of the cases it is seen that the chemotherapy drugs reacted in reverse order where there emerges a tiny risk of cancerous cells formation and it recurs over the bald scalp of the head.
Another form of the treatment for chemotherapy is taking the medicine Rogaine. This particular medicine help hair to start grows back earlier as expected by a bald men or women. There should always be an attunement of chemotherapeutic drugs with the hair loss problem which should be carefully dealt and controlled for ex: In order to be gentle towards the hair with no bleaching; coloring or perm the hair line which weakens the impact of drugs in the bloodstream of a person with tonsured head. Hot rollers and curling irons should also be avoided thereupon as air-drying is recommended but not in excess amount.
Patients should cover their head as well to avoid unwanted and unnecessary dust and dirt from the head scalp that further protects the drugs inside the bloodstream to act properly with uniformity to the scalp and wigs; scarves etc. are the perfect example of head coverings to prevent hair loss but not tightly tucked in to for any form of stretching of the hair follicles etc. When a chemotherapy drug is being suggested it is told by the doctor not to go for a hair cut as long hair shouldn’t be made short and a vice-versa situation arising for a person to do because that tends to have a sudden unusual hair fall of the head scalp.
The specific drugs for hair fall also come along with other precautionary measures such as: having a gentle shampooing experience of the head scalp; Usage of pillowcase made up of satin and soft brushing of the hair follicles etc. Alcohol can be applied directly to soften the hair with the help of drug intake.
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