Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hair Loss - Complete Guide

How Does Hair Loss Occur?
The relationship of hair loss is vast and remarkable by nature which could be triggered from any of the reasons such as: wealth; intelligence output to concentrate or contemplate more then actually required; specific job of an individual; genetic or hereditary imbalance; ethnicity or racism difference; virility and many other causes of having tonsured head where especially men community focuses and retains the cause of worry in comparison to their opposite sex counterparts. Each hair of a human body grows according to scientists approximately to less then half an inch i.e. one centimeter in height (per month) during the hormonal change phase of the human growth. Out of 90 percent hair growth outcome or tendency of the head the remaining 10 percent is left or remained as a resting phase to grow later in life someday due to certain contingencies whatsoever. The degree of underlying truth is determined by various myths as scientifically validated due to lack of warranted skepticism of the people to accept the noble cause and their acceptance to know the reality of it on the first quarter is their prime objective to focus upon. In hair anatomy after 2 to 3 months the remained resting hair of the head falls down to take the place of new grown hair in large bunch of hairy head of an individual. Women who use high-rollers for hair fashion to roll bunch of hair and wear cornrows or pigtails are susceptible to tightness of the hair and causes traction alopecia a type of cancer for hair loss. Hot hair oils and chemicals are also such causes of hair loss in the first stance.
Excessive emotional stress or unnecessary trivial tensions and frustration of proper sex drive are the major causes of having baldness or hair loss in normal terminology. A protein called keratin is formed or produced by our hair of the head and the hair shafts with a root is governed as a hair follicle from which root grows. The last lower end is the hair bulb of the follicle where melanin is produced and hair’s color pigments. A severe and complicated contingency of complete baldness is the presence of specific type of hair eating bacteria which doesn’t even get washed away and eat the important hair oil and other proteins from the head which demands certain treatment from a dermatologist only.


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